

We are all experiencing emotional discomfort given the spread of COVID-19 and the disruption to our lives. 悲伤, 失望, 以及失去体验的挫败感, as well as uncertainty and worry—all are normal reactions at this time. So how do we stay emotionally well during these times?

小心COVID-19超载.  Limit the time you spend taking in COVID-19 news.  It’s coming at us from all directions and this can be downright overwhelming... 也许每天检查一次. 

小心COVID-19的错误信息.  Check out state and local government sites (http://www.mass.gov/)查阅最新资料.  请到世界卫生组织(http://www.who.int/) or the 中心 for Disease Control and Prevention (http://www.疾病预防控制Centers.gov/)获取有关该病毒的正确信息.

逆境变成机遇. There is no doubt that there is much that we have lost during this crisis, 虽然悲伤很重要也很健康, perhaps it is also important that we take the time to do things we may not have been able to fit into our pre-COVID-19 schedules. 

Our emotions reside in our bodies, so take good care of yours! 

  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule—try to go to sleep and wake up at roughly the same time.
  • Work towards maintaining good nutrition and regular meals.
  • Limit alcohol intake.
  • Limit caffeine intake.
  • Get some exercise!
  • Spend some time outside, in nature, especially.
  • Practice deep breathing, relaxation, yoga, Qigong—many to choose from online
  • Try taking up an activity that requires use of your body and mind, which can give you an emotional break: knitting, 艺术, playing an instrument, 等.

Create and maintain a balanced schedule towards feeling productive.  吃饭,上课,学习,放松.  Having a schedule and accomplishing tasks help us contain emotions and feel a sense of control.

维持社会关系很重要.  与朋友和家人保持联系.   

Take the focus off yourself: do something kind for someone else.  如果你不能亲自拜访,打电话或发短信. 

Look through “self-care” on the 咨询中心 website.   http://mail.nhathongminhgialai.net/student-life/counseling-center/self-care/index 

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