
1. 我没有听说过十大网赌信誉平台,它在哪里?

2. 入学条件是什么?

3. 什么时候申请这个项目?

4. 这个项目是全日制的还是兼职的? 

5. 这个项目接受外国本科学位吗?

6. 这是在线学位课程吗?

7. 这个项目有经济资助吗?

8. 这个课程允许转学分吗?

9. 这个项目有可用的图书馆资源吗?

10. 我感兴趣的研究生项目需要GRE成绩吗?

11. 这个项目的时间是什么时候?

12. 可以到另一个项目地点参加额外的课程吗?

13. 项目开始后, how does one request an official transcript from Framingham State University?

14. 我的毕业日期是什么时候?

15. 我可以从十大网赌信誉平台书店订购商品吗?

16. 这个项目有资格认证吗?

17. Can I receive teacher licensure in 麻萨诸塞州 after completing this program?


如果你的问题没有出现在上面或为进一步的信息, 给国际教育中心发电子邮件 cedronecenter@nhathongminhgialai.net 或致电508-626-4964.


1. 我没有听说过十大网赌信誉平台,它在哪里?

Framingham State University is the first public college for the education of teachers in the United States and is located 20 miles west of Boston, 麻萨诸塞州.


2. 入学条件是什么?


- An autobiographical sk等h of past educational work and experience (a professional resume is acceptable). Please include a general statement about what you teach and include the grade level, 班级规模和教授的主要概念.

- 500 word essay that outlines his/her personal philosophy of teaching and education.


  • Those recommending the student should scan/e邮件 the completed cover sheet and written letter to (cedronecenter@nhathongminhgialai.net).
  • One letter should come from a person in a supervisory role over the applicant such as a principal, 导演, 部门主管, 等., and the other should be for a person who can attest to the applicant doing graduate level work.
    • 如果可能的话,信件应该用印有公司抬头的信纸写.

-正式的本科学位成绩单. Transcri分 must show the title of the degree earned and the date the degree was conferred. 如果你持有外国学位,请参考下面的问题6.

  • Option 1) If your degree institution offers official electronic copies sent by a secured provider (e.g.、国家学生信息中心、羊皮纸等.),您可以将它们直接发送到Cedrone中心的电子邮件地址. 不接受学生直接提供的电子成绩单.  
  • Option 2) Ask your previous institution to send an official transcript directly to our office in a sealed envelope.
    • 邮件: 乔伊斯米. Fahey, Director, Office of 研究生学习/Cedrone International Center, Dwight Hall, 111房间, 马萨诸塞州弗雷明汉州街100号邮编:01701
    • *请不要把成绩单寄给研究生院


Applicants may submit certain application materials as a PDF, DOC or JPEG file via e邮件 to (cedronecenter@nhathongminhgialai.net).

Application documents for the International program are not submitted through the online Framingham application portal.

英语作为外语考试(托福) - The TOEFL may be waived for students whose native or academic language (K-12) is 英语 or students who have successfully completed at least two full academic years in a college/university in the United States of America, 联合王国, 澳大利亚, 新西兰或加拿大. All other applicants must take the TOEFL/IELTS and have the official test results sent directly to the Office of 研究生招生/Cedrone Center. 


  • 纸质:580
  • 网络:85
  • 雅思:6.5

3. 什么时候申请这个项目?

一般来说,可以在程序周期的开始申请. The program is designed to offer one complete program cycle at a designated site. If t在这里 is further interest at a location to continue the program, a new cycle would begin.


4. 这个项目是全日制的还是兼职的? 

一个学期提供两门课程的网站被认为是兼职.  一个学期提供三门课程的网站被认为是全日制的.


5. 这个项目接受外国本科学位吗?

Applicants holding a foreign undergraduate degree from outside of the United States, 必须完成学位评估. Applicants must contact one of the approved evaluation agencies which are listed at, { www.南汽.org/members }. Please request a course-by-course with GPA evaluation to determine equivalency to a U.S. 学士学位.

  • SpanTran 为弗雷明汉学生创建了一个定制应用程序. 您可以通过单击来访问该应用程序 在这里.
  • 国际教育评估 为弗雷明汉学生创建了一个定制应用程序. 您可以通过单击来访问该应用程序 在这里.

6. 这是在线学位课程吗?

 No. 课程采用混合形式.  课程现场前约4周, 你会开始做课前作业.  Then the instructor travels to the site to teach for 40 contact hours in the classroom.


7. 这个项目有经济资助吗?

Our program is brought in with the help of a nonprofit agency at a very reduced cost. 我们的项目没有进一步的经济援助.


8. 这个课程允许转学分吗?

最多两门研究生水平课程, 完成成绩为B-或更高, may be transferred into the program with prior approval of the 国际教育 Graduate Committee. 学生必须能够展示, 在官方记录上, 每门课都有3到4个学期的研究生学分, 在最近五年内参加的考试,成绩在B-或以上. 从那个机构的课程目录里, the course description should closely parallel the course description of the same course at Framingham State University. Official transcript and course description should be submitted with program application. 专业发展课程, 即使是在研究生阶段, 转读硕士学位不被接受吗. 转学学分不计入生活经历, 无学分的活动, 或者专业发展经历.

9. 这个项目有可用的图书馆资源吗?

Matriculated graduate students are able to access the electronic holdings of the Whittemore图书馆 at Framingham State University. 此程序的进一步细节, 包括适当的密码将给予学生进入


为方便起见 library link is provided under Quick Links so you can access the library from anyw在这里 within the web site.


10. 我感兴趣的研究生项目需要GRE成绩吗?

 M.Ed. with a concentration in Special 教育 is the only program that requires the GRE.  如果一个人持有先前的硕士学位,GRE可能会被免除.


11. 这个项目的时间是什么时候?

The degree program normally offers four courses annually to coincide with administrative school vacation periods. However, in some locations the program is offered in an after school format during the school year.  大多数学位课程在两年内完成. 

12. 可以到另一个项目地点参加额外的课程吗?

一旦你被录取了, you can take a course at another program site only if you missed a course when it was offered at your host site. Most sites are able to accommodate this arrangement provided their classes are not full. It is the student’s responsibility to pay for all travel related costs to another site.


13. 项目开始后, how does one request an official transcript from Framingham State University?


Transcript 订单s are completed online from the 注册商's section on the University website or by 邮件.

十大网赌信誉平台现在发行两种类型的官员 transcri分. 一个是e-transcri以PDF格式通过电子邮件发送. The other is a paper hard copy that is 邮件ed to an address through the U.S. 邮件.  费用是3美元.00美元一份,用信用卡支付.


14. 我的毕业日期是什么时候?



15. 我可以从十大网赌信誉平台书店订购商品吗?

大学用品可以在书店买到. 为方便起见 书店的链接 is provided under Quick Links so you can access the bookstore from anyw在这里 within the web site.

16. 这个项目有资格认证吗?

Framingham State University is fully accredited by the New England Commission of Higher 教育 (NECHE). 

17. Can I receive teacher licensure in 麻萨诸塞州 after completing this program?

这些程序不附带许可证等附件. 这些课程是为在国外工作或教学的教育工作者设计的. Framingham State University has never submitted these programs to the 麻萨诸塞州 Department of 教育 for State approval leading to licensure in 麻萨诸塞州 as this is not the intent of our international programs.

Teacher licensure in the United States is complex and varies from State to State. One should consult the Department of 教育 in the State in which you are seeking licensure for complete details. 请参阅各自的清单 州教育部 的信息.