
Have a question we haven't answered below? Please contact us and we will be happy to help.

  1. What types of services are offered by the 咨询中心?
  2. Why do students typically come for counseling?
  3. 咨询是如何工作的??
  4. 咨询真的有帮助吗??
  5. Who is eligible for counseling services?
  6. How much does it cost for individual or group therapy?
  7. 有会话限制吗?
  8. 在紧急情况下我该怎么办?
  9. 我怎样预约?
  10. What if I need to cancel or change an appointment?
  11. What are the qualifications of the 咨询中心's 工作人员?
  12. What if I have a preference about the kind of counselor I want to see?
  13. Can I use the Center while maintaining a relationship with a counselor or psychiatrist at home?
  14. What can I expect during my first counseling visit?
  15. What is the 咨询中心's email policy?
  16. How long will you keep my records on file?

1. What types of services are offered by the 咨询中心?
The 咨询中心 offers individual, 夫妇的, 还有团体咨询, 教师咨询, 工作人员, 父母, 和学生, and educational outreach programs to the campus community.

2. Why do students typically come for counseling?
学生 come to the 咨询中心 with a wide range of concerns. Many students are coping with normal developmental issues, such as relationship and friendship issues or managing the stresses of college life. Other students are coping with more specific mental health issues, 比如抑郁症, 焦虑, 悲伤或失落, 身体形象或饮食问题, 或者物质问题, 举几个例子. A counselor can help sort out what might be wrong in order to help get you back on track.

3. 咨询是如何工作的??
Counseling works by helping you objectively look at behaviors, 感情, and thoughts in situations that you find problematic. It helps you to learn more effective ways of dealing with those situations. Counseling is a collaborative effort between you and your counselor. You and your counselor will identify goals, what you would like to change or improve, and agree on how you will know when you are making progress.

4. 咨询真的有帮助吗??
心理咨询并不适合所有人, but most people that come to the 咨询中心 say it was a helpful experience for them. There are many factors that can determine how effective the counseling experience can be, including the type of problem being addressed, a person's ability to talk about the problem or concern, 治疗的类型, and the relationship with the counselor. 如果你对咨询很好奇, you can always come in and talk with a counselor just to see what it is like, and then make a decision if you would like to continue treatment.

5. Who is eligible for counseling services?
Any matriculated FSU undergraduate or graduate student may use the services of the 咨询中心.

6. How much does it cost for individual or group counseling?
There is no charge for any of the services the 咨询中心 offers.

7. 有会话限制吗?
没有会话限制本身. All students will be offered up to 4 initial evaluation sessions. 在那之后, every other week therapy will be provided for those students who can safely and effectively be seen in that manner.

8. 在紧急情况下我该怎么办?
In any emergency involving imminent harm or a threat to life, please call FSU’s Police Department at 508-626-4911 immediately for assistance. If you are experiencing a psychological emergency Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., please come to the 咨询中心 and we will assist you. If you are experiencing a psychological emergency after business hours or on the weekends, please call Advocates Psychiatric Emergency Services at 508-872-3333, 有人会帮助你的. 如果你是住校学生, you may also contact your residence life 工作人员 at any time for assistance.

9. 我怎样预约?
If you are interested in meeting with a counselor, you may call our office at 508-626-4640 or stop by the Center's office, located on the second floor of the 健康与福利 Center, 福斯特大厅, Monday-Friday, 从早上8点30分到.m. 下午4:30.m.

10. What if I need to cancel or change an appointment?
Please notify the 咨询中心 at 508-626-4640 to cancel or change an appointment. The Center appreciates having as much notice as possible so that another student may be scheduled in any open time slots.

11. What are the qualifications of the 咨询中心's 工作人员?
The FSU 咨询中心 工作人员 are committed to providing compassionate care utilizing a variety of counseling techniques and styles.  To that end, licensed mental health clinicians 工作人员 the Center. 另外, the Center serves as a training site for master’s level graduate students in social work, who are supervised by a licensed senior 工作人员 member.

12. What if I have a preference about the kind of counselor I want to see?
If you have a preference regarding the kind of counselor you wish to meet with (e.g., man, woman, trainee, senior 工作人员 member, etc.),你可以让大家知道. The Center’s administrative assistant will try to accommodate such requests whenever possible.

13. Can I use the Center if I also have a counselor or psychiatrist at home?
是的, the Center's 工作人员 may want to consult with your mental health provider to assure continuity of care, but we encourage students to maintain those relationships as well as build relationships with an on-campus support system.

14. What can I expect during my first counseling visit?
After you arrive for your first appointment, you will check in with the Center’s administrative assistant. You will be asked to fill out brief background information sheets and will be given some information to read about counseling and confidentiality. During the first contact with your counselor you will explore what issues you would like to focus on and together you can set up a plan for beginning to work on your treatment goals.

15. What is the 咨询中心's email policy?
The Center does not communicate with students via email as this is not a secure form of communication. If you need to reach the Center or your counselor, please call the Center at 508-626-4640.

16. How long will you keep my records on file?
The Center follows the state and federal guidelines for confidential records. All records are required to be kept on file for ten years after your last treatment session unless you are a minor and then your records will be kept for seven years after you reach the age of 18. After the ten year requirement period, your records would normally be destroyed by shredding.
